At low temperatures, mixture formation is poor due to the large fuel droplets concerned, and due to the inefficient mixing of the fuel with the air drawn in by the engine. 在低温,混合物形成的不良是由于大的燃料滴有关,和由于燃料与发动机吸入的空气混合不足够。
However, the poor durability of recycled aggregate concrete can be offset by lowing the water/ cement ratio, the addition of fly ash, the double mixing method, the decreasing of the maximum size of recycled aggregate or the use of semi-saturated recycled aggregates. 但是,通过减小水灰比、掺加粉煤灰、采用二次搅拌工艺、减小再生骨料最大粒径和采用半饱和状态的再生骨料等措施可以改善再生混凝土的耐久性。
The high-altitude ignition performance of high density fuel is rather poor, but can be significantly improved by mixing it with a small quantity of low density oil ( about 10 percent). 大比重油的高空点火性能相当不良,但用少量优质大庆油掺混(约百分之十)后可得到显著改善。
According to rheological research of fresh cement pastes, poor workability can be resolved through the way of utilizing diabase stone chips replacing sand as aggregate and mixing active material such as fly ash; 根据流变研究结果,利用辉绿岩石屑代砂,掺加粉煤灰等活性掺合料的方式可有效地解决辉绿岩细砂混凝土严重的离析泌水;
However, because of the poor salt resistance of the polymer, the mixing water has to be treated, thus causing the increase of the total cost. 但油田使用的聚合物抗盐性能比较差,因此配制聚合物驱油溶液用水必须经过严格处理,这样增大了处理的综合费用。
Aromatic nitration has been existed many problems, such as poor safety, serious waste pollution, etc. Using the microreactor technology, it has effective capability of heat transfer and mass transfer and fluid mixing, to achieve green nitration of aromatic hydrocarbons. 芳烃的硝化反应一直存在着很多问题,例如安全性比较差,废物污染严重等。利用微反应器技术,以其良好的传质传热能力和高效的流体混合能力,来实现芳烃的绿色硝化。